
Pumpkin Pockets


Ingredients (for 10-12 pieces):

Preparation time: 2 hours 20 minutes


Mix the water with 1 pckg dry yeast, 1TL sugar and let it rise for 15 min. Add the Holle Organic Vegetable Jars. Mix 1 sachet of dry yeast into the flour. Mix flour mixture into liquid mixture, knead well with dough hook. Let rise for 90 min in a warm place in a covered bowl. Knead dough briefly and divide into 10-12 pieces. Knot with thread. Let rise for 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake pumpkins for 15-20 minutes. Remove threads carefully. Put 1 Holle Organic Biscuit Pear Apple in animal shape as a stem in each Pumpkin Pocket.

Used products

Pumpkin Pockets

Organic Spelt Biscuit

To the product

© Holle baby food AG