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Acting in accordance with our values

Sustainable management from the origin of the raw ingredients to the finished product is the company philosophy that we have been putting into practice for more than 90 years. As a family-run Swiss company, we attach a great deal of importance to sustainability, honesty and transparency.

The significance of sustainability at Holle

Operating sustainably and making a social commitment have always been part of our company’s fundamental values. For us, this means constantly re-evaluating ecological, social and economic issues in the interests of people and nature. In more than 90 years of company history, our Holle sustainability strategy has helped us to become one of the leading manufacturers of organic food for babies and infants.

We are deeply aware of our responsibility towards each other and the future of our little ones. We have shaped our corporate strategy and orientation to enable us to respond flexibly to changes in the extremely dynamic organic market and thus operate efficiently and successfully.

We create structures that can grow with us

People and the environment have always been at the heart of everything we do. After all, this is the only way to create products that deserve being labelled as ‘sustainable’. Over the years, we have developed our corporate structure to nurture and promote this way of thinking whilst also leaving room for progress.



  • assume responsibility for all core tasks, from cultivation and processing to delivery.
  • procure premium raw ingredients – for consistently high quality and safety.
  • maintain long-term, fair partnerships at all levels of value creation.
  • go far beyond the stringent requirements of the baby food sector.
  • develop our recipes in close collaboration with our production partners and align them with nutritional recommendations.
  • constantly inspect our products throughout the entire delivery and production process – with the strictest testing procedures and cutting-edge analytical methods.
‘We operate in accordance with the principle of maximising meaning rather than maximising profit.’
Anne Mutter, CEO Holle baby food AG
‘We operate in accordance with the principle of maximising meaning rather than maximising profit.’
Anne Mutter, CEO Holle baby food AG



Unsere Nachhaltigkeitsziele

Nachhaltiges Engagement mit Weitblick

Holle ist ein familiengeführtes Schweizer Traditionsunternehmen. Bereits seit 1934 arbeiten wir biodynamisch und sind somit ein Demeter-Pionier. Als Demeter-Hersteller gestalten wir die Zukunft ökologisch – für Mensch und Natur – und schonen dabei Tier, Boden und Umwelt. Mit unseren Zielen gehen wir weiter konsequente Schritte in eine enkelfreundliche Zukunft. Nachhaltig von Anfang an.


Unsere Nachhaltigkeitsziele für 2022/2023

Ziel 1:

Holle ist ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber. Unser Ziel ist, wieder ein sehr gutes Ergebnis beim Wettbewerb Great Place to Work 2023 zu erreichen. Wir haben uns fest vorgenommen, den bei der Mitarbeitendenumfrage in 2020 erzielten Vertrauensindex von 86 %  mit der Umfrage in 2022 zu halten. Als Platzierung im Wettbewerb streben wir an, mindestens unsern sehr guten 2. Platz schweizweit aus der letzten Teilnahme in 2021 zu halten.



Ziel 2:

Holle baut seine strategische Partnerschaften weiter aus. Wir bauen die Bereitstellung von Rohwaren in weiteren Kategorien aus (Obst und Milch). Somit gelingt es uns, die Wertschöpfungstiefe besser zu steuern und weitere Kontrolle in unserer Lieferkette zu erlangen (Erhöhung der Transparenz in der Lieferkette).



Ziel 3:

Holle stellt das nachhaltigste Babymilchpulver Europas her. Im ersten Schritt stellen wir 13 Ziegenhöfe in Deutschland bis Ende 2022 auf hochwertige Demeter-Qualität um. In 2023 erfolgt der Launch unserer auf Demeter-Qualität umgestellten Ziegenmilchprodukte.


Our Code of Conduct

Holle is committed to responsible and sustainable business. This includes the value-oriented philosophy of an environmentally friendly and socially compatible culture throughout our value chain as well as open and trusting collaboration with our business partners. We have defined the relevant principles and requirements for our business partners in the Holle Code of Conduct. We want them to serve as the basis of relationships between everyone involved in the value chain.
Our Code of Conduct is based on the principles of the International Labour Organisation, the UN Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and parts of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. Our Code of Conduct also covers important aspects of environmental protection and animal welfare.

Our awards

Holle baby food AG, based in Riehen (Switzerland), took third place in the category Best Medium Workplaces
Switzerland at this year’s ‘Best WorkplacesTM Award’ from Great Place To Work®. Holle entered the Medium
category for the first time (company size 50–249 employees) and was immediately ranked in the top three. As a
result, the successful rankings in the Small category from previous years were continued.
The certification of our company headquarters in Riehen/Switzerland according to the ZNU standard for sustainable management since November 2022 confirms and recognizes the sustainable commitment practiced at Holle in a variety of ways. The management standard enables us to make an active, structured and measurable contribution to sustainable change in the economy and society.

Finalist at the German Sustainability Award 2023

Holle was chosen among the top 36 from over 1000 applications. For the 15th time, the German Sustainability Award honors groundbreaking contributions to the transformation into a sustainable future. Holle was able to convince in the transformation field of biodiversity and is one of the 5 finalists here.

Great Place to Work

As part of the ‘Best Employer in Europe 2021’ Great Place to Work study, we were crowned as one of the best employers from more than 3,000 companies in 36 countries, landing an excellent third place.
Previously, we also won second place in the ‘Companies with 20–49 Employees’ category for the Best Employer in Switzerland award.

Sustainable commitment: strong to very strong

Every year since 2017, Holle has been awarded with the distinction of ‘strong to very strong’ for its sustainable commitment in the baby food products category.
Which companies or brands stand for a high level of ecological, economic and social responsibility? To find out, DEUTSCHLAND TEXT and ServiceValue carry out an annual online survey across Germany.

Demeter Honorary Award

In 2015, Holle won the Demeter Honorary Award for its pronounced spirit of innovation and commitment in the area of sustainability.